Sunday, October 28, 2007


Oh my, my favorite topic - Manto! This is brilliant! I am not sure which newspaper it came out of and who wrote it - it arrived in my mailbox as a newspaper clipping! Don't forget the accent when you read it out aloud!

Whoever it is - well done!


The DA should relax. Because of them, Babalaas-Msimang has had to issue a few statements recently.

"Although I was Absynthe from office for several months, I wish to remind you I Amstel the Minister of Health, am not a dictator but I Amarula and I will continue to Rum the department of health." she stated, announcing her return to office.

When quizzed on her health, she mentioned she had recovered well. "Of course I am well" she retorted "I am more than well - I am OKWV! Ask a stupid question, get a stupid Hansa."

Despite being asked about her new liver, she made no reference to the Morgan transplant.

President Mbeki has rallied around his friend: "She has my Absolut support. That is why I wiped that silly Smirnoff her former deuty's face."

"The opposition will not be able to Tequila career."

Let's face it - no matter how many times the DA has stirred she appears unshaken, and despite her career seemingly being on the rocks, the Minister is still a Mainstay of the ANC government.

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