Friday, March 09, 2007


Oh dear, still trying to catch up. This is the motivational quote that you should have received on the 26th February.

The quote today comes from Graca Michel, former first lady of Mozambique.

"When you love someone, you love him as a whole. . . . There are no parts with which you can say you don't want to be concerned."

For me it is the same in business. As an entrepreneur, and a lone figure in my business, I cannot say - well I am not going to be doing any marketing today, because that is not what I do or I am not going to check on the finances today, because that is not what I do or even I am not going to do anything concerning IT today, because that is not what I do . . . . I have to be all of everything to this business. Now don't take this incorrectly. If I had to try and do the IT stuff that pertains to my business, I would be in serious trouble - you see I am a bit of a technophobe, but what does have to happen is that I have to ensure that the IT that I have delegated to my service provider, Jack Rahme ( is done and that I am happy with what he has done, ultimately it is my responsibility. Fortunately Jack knows what he is doing, which is why he is my service provider, and I don't have to run after him all the time - but the point that I am trying to make, is that I have to be aware of what needs to be done, what has been done etc within the IT arena of my business. If I don't, I could end up with a serious problem, which ultimately could result in the closure of my business.
I cannot be 'just an Internal Auditor and Business Administration specialist', I have to be all the my company requires me to be in order for it to run smoothly and successfully. This is true, not only for me, but for every 'one man' business owner out there and for every entrepeneur that has opened up their own business and dared to live their dream.
So, when you dream and plan to start your own business, be sure to keep this fact in mind!

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