Thursday, June 04, 2009

SALES - How to Increase Yours Sales Income - Part 10


How to Increase Your Sales Income – Part 10

By Nikki Viljoen – Viljoen Consulting June 2009.

Who would have thought it? Who would have thought that reading books and magazines (other than Heat) would lead me down this particular path?

Now I can understand the confusion about this topic (or lack thereof), so perhaps I should tell you what it is that I am talking about.

Well you see I read a lot – I mean a helleva lot! I usually can be found reading between four and eight books at a time and magazines, well I have a huge pile of magazines that I religiously read through on a daily basis (not that I ever get to the bottom of the pile you understand.)

What comes out of this is that I find information that I did not know before and being the sharing girl that I am, I usually end up saving the article with the relevant information and after doing a little research at some point, I am able to share the information with everyone in the form of the blogs that I write (pretty much like this one), but also putting my own spin on things.

So exactly why am I telling you this (bet you thought I have forgotten the gist of the story hey?). It’s like this – all the sales, marketing, business tips, motivation, networking and even the HR tips, are usually sparked by something that I have read somewhere, or heard somewhere. Yes I have done some additional research (usually on the internet), but the bottom line is that I am the one who has learnt from it.

So read, enjoy and share – there’s enough abundance in the world for everyone to get back a huge amount more than what they put in.

We all sell, every single one of us, every single day. So read as much as you can, learn as much as you can and soon you will be selling as much as you can!

Nikki is an Internal Auditor and Business Administration Specialist who can be contacted on 083 702 8849 or or

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