Thursday, May 21, 2009

SALES - How to Increase Yours Sales Income - Part 8


How to Increase Your Sales Income – Part 8

By Nikki Viljoen – Viljoen Consulting May 2009.

What are your sales people up to? Are they making sufficient calls? Are they engaging with clients and doing presentations? Are they setting up appointments with prospective clients? Are they out and about looking for new clients? Are they going through the archives, finding clients that have not been serviced in a long time? Are you actually checking up on them to see what it is that they are up to?

Quite frankly, if your staff are just sitting around waiting for the phone to ring or someone to walk in, then you have a problem – waiting for things to happen usually leads to nothing happening!

Sales is a numbers game – I am sure that you have heard that term, time and time again and believe me it’s true. That said, in order for the game to be played, action needs to take place.

So use the toe on your boot and use you boot to kick the butts of your sales team and ‘kick start’ them into action. Get them phoning, old clients, clients that were interested in something years ago, but that never quite panned out because you didn’t have exactly what they wanted – perhaps you have what they need now, and of course cold calling. Get them out and about, going to networking meetings, setting up appointments and doing presentations – even sorting out and setting up new presentations. Make sure that they have a minimum quota to get through each day and believe me the business will come in.

The more ‘action’ that they engage in, the more business that will come in.

Nikki is an Internal Auditor and Business Administration Specialist who can be contacted on 083 702 8849 or or

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