Sunday, August 05, 2007


This was posted by a colleague Tony (Trixo) on the Business Warrior site (

First came the new language that they used on cellphones when doing the sms thing (I have yet to even try and do the predictive text thing - far too much PT in my opinion) and now we have the 'chat room' language. Takes being be-lingual to a whole different meaning! Although why we would have to reserve, "BTASRTHOS! = Better Than A Slap 'Round The Head On Sunday" for Sunday's only begs the obvious question! What happens if I get the urge to slap you around the head on a Tuesday - would that become BTASRTHOT? And then what would happen if I wanted to slap you on a Thursday?
Or what about "ROTFLPIMK = Rolling On The Floor Pis... In My Kilt". Why would anyone want to roll around the floor peeing in their kilt? Why anyone would want to role around the floor peeing in anything for that matter would be natural question. I guess the youth of today are not sure when it is that they need to pee, so they have to roll around the floor first to find out and then they just pee in whatever it is that they happen to be wearing at the time. What if I was in a mini skirt (not a good idea to get to a mental picture of this, just for the record), I guess that would then become ROTFLPIMMS or my hot pants - would become ROTFLPIMHP!
Just as well I have a case of CRAFT disease (can't remember a fu$*&ng thing) because trying to commit this to my memory would surely cause an overload of sorts, a definite short circuit and a malfunction for sure!
Have fun people!
Since many people aren't used to chatroom speak, I thought I'd publish this little list:

AAAMOF = As A Matter Of Fact
ADN = Any Day Now
AFAIK = And For All I Know
AFAIK = As Far As I Know
AFK = Away From Keyboard
ANY1 = Anyone
A/S/L = Age/Sex/Location
ADDY = Address
AWGAD = And Who Gives A Darn
AWGTHTGTTA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again?
BBAC = By Any Chance
BAG = Busting A Gut (Laughing)
BBFN = Bye Bye For Now
BIAB = Be Back In A Bit
BBL = Be Back Later
BCNU = Be Seeing You
BG = Big grin
BEWG = Big Evil Wicked Grin
BRB = Be Right Back
BRT = Be Right There
BK = Because
BTW = By The Way
BTDT = Been There, Done That
BTA = But Then Again
BWG = Big Wide Grin
BYKT = But You Knew That
B4 = Before
B/C = Because
BTASRTHOS! = Better Than A Slap 'Round The Head On Sunday!
CC = See
CU = See You
CUL = See You Later
CUL8er = See You Later
CMIIW = Correct Me If I'm Wrong
CRS = Can't Remember Sh*t
CYA = Cover Your A**
CYA = See You
DDIIK = Damned If I Know
DQOTD = Dumb Question of the Day
DTRT = Do The Right Thing
DILLIGAF = Does It Look Like I Give A F...k.
D/L = Download
D/U = Download/Upload (Ratio)
EEOD = End Of Discussion
EOF = End of File
ESOSL = Endless Snorts of Stupid Laughter
EZ = Easy
FF = Female
FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions
FYEO = For Your Eyes Only
FYI = For Your Information
FU! = F**K You
FWIW = For What Its Worth
G = Grin
GR8 = Great
GGP = Gotta Go Pottie
GGN = Gotta Go Now
GMV = Got My Vote
GMTA = Great Minds Think Alike
GO PRI = Send Private Msg\Mail
GOK = God Only Knows
GTG = Got To GoG2G = Got To Go
HH/A = Hi All
HHTY = Happy Holidays to You
IAC = In Any Case
IC = I see
ICU = I see you ....
ICU2 = I see you tooI
CBW = I Could Be Wrong
ICOCBW = I Could, Of Course, Be Wrong
ILY = I Love You
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO = In My Not So Humble Opinion
IMO = In My Opinion
IMV = In My View
IOW = In Other Words
IYSWIM = If you see what I mean
JJ\K = Just Kidding
JOOC = Just out of Curiosity
OKKHYF = Know How You Feel
KEWL = Cool, Fantastic
KISS = Keep It Simple Stupid
L = Laugh
LOL = Laughing Out Loud
LOL = Lost Of Love
LTNS = Long Time No See
LTNT = Long Time, No Type
L8TR = Later (as in see ya later)
L8R = Later (as in see ya later)(Same as L8TR)
LMAO = Laughing My A.. Off
MM = Male
M/F = Male or Female
M8 = Mate
ME2 = Me too
MORF = Male Or Female
MPOV = My Point Of View
NNBL = Not Bloody Likely
NE1 = Anyone
NE = Any
NOYB = None Of Your Business
NP = No Problem
NRN = No Reply Necessary
NTYMI = Now That You Mention It
OODAT = One Day At a Time
OIC = OH, I See
OMG = OH, My God
OAS = On Another Subject
OTOH = On The Other Hand
PPPL = People
PEEPS = People
PITA = Pain In The A**
POV = Point Of View
PMETC = Pardon Me Etc
PZ = Peasey (i.e. EZ PZ easy peasey)
QQL = Cool
QEWL = Cool
RR = Are
RE = Returned, back
REHI = Hi again
ROFL = Rolling on the floor laughing
ROFLMAO = Rolling On Floor Laughing My A.. Off
ROFLPMP = Rolling On Floor Laughing Pis... My Pants
ROTFLPIMK = Rolling On The Floor Pis... In My Kilt
RSN = Real Soon Now
RL = Real Life
RTDM = Read The Damn Manual
RTFM = Read that F...ed Manual
RTFS = Read That F...ed Source
SSAH = Stay At Home
= Smile
SOL = You are Alone or Nobody Can Help You
SOP = Standing Operational Proceedures
STR8 = Straight
SUP = What's Up
S/U = Shut Up
SYS = See You Soon
SYS = System
SN = screen name
TT = Tea
TAFN = Thats all for Now
TCFW = Too Cute For Words
TDM = Too Damn Many
TFT = Thanks for That
TIA = Thanks In Advance
TMI = Too Much Information
TXS = Thanks
THX = Thanks
TY = Thank You
TTBOMK = To The Best Of My Knowledge
TTFN = Ta Ta For Now
TTYL = Talk to you later
TYT = Take Your Time
TYVM = Thank You Very Much
UU = You
UR = You are (or) Your
U/L = Upload
VV = Victory
VFY = Voted For You
VIC = Vicinity
WWAW = Why Ask Why?
WB = Welcome Back
W/B = Welcome Back (Same as WB)
W/E = What Ever
/W = With
/WO = With out
W/F = Where From
What's^ = What's Up
W8 = Wait
WILTY = Would I Lie To You?
WTG = Way To Go
WTF = What The F***?
XXP = Experience (as in my experience)
XTG = Axe To Grind (foul tempered mIRCer)
XTC = Ecstasy (drugs or emotion)
YY = Why?
YABA = Yet Another Bloody Acronym
YMBK = You Must Be Kidding
YMBJ = You Must Be Joking
YAP = Yet Another Ploy
YGLT =You're Gonna Love This
YHTBT = You Had To Be There
ZZ = Sleeping or Bored (obvious zzzZZZZ)
Numbers2 = To, Too or Two4 = For or Four4N = For Now (Used after other Jargons ie AFK4N)4U = For You8 = Ate or Eight
10Q = Thank You
10x = Thanks
10x*e3 = 1000 Times Thanks
Paranoia{ { { nick} } } = Hug the specified nick
:-) = Smile
;-) = Wink
:-( = Unhappy, Sad
:-þ = Stick your tongue out, use Alt+0222(keypads)
:-P = Stick your tongue out, (If you don't know the ascii Characters)
:-O_~ = To smoke__________________

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