Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Here's your funnies for the day for 22nd July

Oh man, I played the game once and 'political incorrectness' aside, chuckled as I punched every taxi driver available. And guess what, it did make me feel a whole lot better. Having said that however - it was just once and I quite frankly don't have the time and/or the inclination to play again.

I understand from subsequent articles in various newspapers, that the game caused quite a stir on many different levels - pity it doesn't improve the driving ability of our very notorious 'taxi drivers' though.

As far as humour is concerned, I think everyone should actually just get over themselves, surely it is better to play the game and get over the frustration caused by the constant traffic jams and bad drivers, than getting out of your car and actually becoming a 'road rage statistic'!

It's better to laugh at ourselves than to hurt each other!

How to take on a taxi driver...
Sheena Adams April 23 2007 at 07:13AM

If you're South African and drive your own car, there's a good chance you have fantasised about inflicting pain on a taxi driver. Maybe you've dreamt about popping the tyres of the rusty old taxi that speeds past you in the yellow lane and cuts in front of you just as the robot turns red? Or maybe you've entertained thoughts of a more violent nature, beating up the next taxi driver who dares to stop in front of you in peak-hour traffic and idly load and offload his passengers? If so, there's a cure for you. An enterprising online advertising agency has devised the perfect solution for those drivers who may be a punch away from a road rage incident.

iLogic has created an online computer game called taxi wars, which allows you to select various instruments of abuse with which to terrorise a stationary taxi driver. Click on the red vuvuzela tool and you can shock the rather sedate-looking taxi driver until his hair stands to attention like an afro. Choose a big white fist and, after three solid left hooks, your abused taxi driver has a blue eye. Three more punches and he can be knocked out. A screwdriver allows you to slash his tyres and a golf club let's you smash his windows. There is also a can of spray-paint on hand with which you can decorate the pristine taxi with whatever squiggles you choose.
iLogic says the game allows you to take out your repressed road rage on a taxi "as many times as you want, in several creative ways". iLogic director Yoav Tchelet says in a media release: "It presses buttons that we all, in the wild everyday world of South African traffic, wouldn't for a second consider acting on for real but absolutely dream of being able to." He says they don't necessarily condone the content, but believed they had to do something "controversial and memorable" to stand out as an advertising company. Thomas Masase, spokesperson for the Gauteng Taxi Council, failed to see the humour - or the point. "I just don't understand it," he said.

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