Monday, April 16, 2007


The quote today comes from Totsie Memela - Businesswomen.

"When change happens to us, we must wake up, embrace it and ask, ‘what can I learn from this?’"

Most of us don't like change. We get into our comfort zones, into our routines, and off we go on auto-pilot. Most of the time we don't even stop to smell the coffee, let alone take any kind of notice about what changes are taking place around us. The result of this of course, is that when change happens, it usually slaps us upside the head and we are astounded by what has happened.
Because we hae been unware of what is happening around us, we are angry at these "sudden" changes that are taking place and resist them with everything that we have. Why should we change? Everything was so comfortable as it was. So we resist some more, we moan and groan about what is taking place and dig our heels more firmly into the ground.
As time goes by we are so busy resisting whatever change we are at war with, that we don't notice that life has passed us by, our businesses are no longer profitable, our marriages and/or relationships have ended and we have basically shrivelled up and died inside. All because of change.
The only advice that I can give you at this point is to take life with both hands and live it to the full. Don't be scared of change, embrace it. Understand that with or without your permission, change is going to take place. Don't appose it and suffer the consequences, but rather take it and run, grow yourself and your business with it. Use it in every application of your life - but don't get too comfortable with it, remember change will pay another visit and you want to be ready for that change too.

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