Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Good morning all!

I trust that you are all in fine fettle this morning. Going forward, this being a New Year and all, I am going to start posting my workshop on my blog. It will come to you as a series of articles written, by myself on all the different aspects of what is required to set up your own business. Once the course has been completed on the blog, I will continue to post useful information, that pertains specifically to the business arena. So from now on - each and every Wednesday will be "the workshop and/or business day". I hope you enjoy and please feel free to ask any questions or comments. Oh yes, before I forget - this would pertain specifically to South African conditions as legislation in different parts of the world are would not always apply here. Basic business administration tips however, would be pertinent, no matter where in the world you happen to be stationed.
So here goes!

This course is designed specifically for people who are just starting out in business. It gives a basic knowledge, of all the requirements for legal (UIF, SDL, PAYE, VAT etc), financial (reconciliations), human relations (letters of appointment etc) that are required.

Some of these may not be a legal or a compliance issue, but they add value to your business, in that they give you more control with a minimum of fuss and bother.

Starting a new business is both exciting and scary. There is so much that we do not know, even if we think we do. There are so many loop holes and legalities attached to running a successful business that it is totally impossible for us to be experts on everything or even have a vague idea of what the requirements are – we all need as much help as we can get and then some. That is one of the reasons for this course, the other of course is to make life easier when people like me come in to do an audit. By that time hopefully, you will be doing all of this and my life will be a breeze. Anything for an easy life! Actually it will probably benefit you a great deal more than it will me. If the truth be told, giving you all this information up front is going to cost me money – especially if you take the advice. Why? Well because if you take the advice it will take me less time to audit you and which means that your costs will be less and the time that you will take to fix up any problem area’s will be less, which will give you more time to do more of the things that make money for you! Makes sense, doesn’t it?

Admin is the most important aspect of any business. If it is well thought out and done regularly, it should not take you any longer than 10 to 15 minutes a day. But postpone it or, don’t do it at all and it could very well be the reason that your business closes down! Those are the simple facts. Often an entrepreneur will create lavish and intricate systems and controls in order to maintain his/her admin and soon after they are implemented they are left by the way side because they’re just too involved, to difficult to maintain on a daily basis or worse yet – they don’t do anything - other than look complicated and involved.

The shortest route between two points will always be a straight line, and the best admin system is the most simplistic one.

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