Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Networking 101 - Make an Impact

Networking 101 - Make an Impact

By Nikki Viljoen of N Viljoen Consulting (Pty) Ltd

Dr Renate Volpe, in her nugget cards entitled “Networking Tips” says:

“Make an impact!  Walk into a room knowing that you have something important to offer, that is worth sharing.”

As usual, Renate is spot on the money!  This is a great tip indeed.

I know that since I have finally “got” the whole networking thing and actually, I walk into a room differently and people have noticed.  It’s like I have a secret weapon and whilst I am quite happy to share with anyone that wants it, it is actually mine and that is a very powerful emotion to have.

It’s like having your ego constantly stroked and it certainly puts me on a “high” (without the use of any kind of other substance).  

You see, in most instances – I know something that those people don’t know and that makes me a very special person.  The fact that I am willing to share my secret with anyone and everyone – well that makes me kind of unique, don’t you think!

What “anyone and everyone” does with the secret that I share with them of course is an entirely different thing altogether and that often is very sad.  Actually, I used to get very upset and frustrated, when people didn’t understand the whole networking context – now I understand that sometimes things just are what they are.  So I share with those that want to hear, to learn and to understand and the rest, well life will take care of them I guess, and at the end of the day, it really isn’t my problem at all.

I look at the world differently and I see people differently, and it has nothing to do with whether I like someone as an individual or not, it has to do with that person’s circle of influence, who they are connected to and who I am connected to.  It has to do with adding value to people’s lives and having value added to mine.  

It has to do with having a secret that I am dying to share with you – would you like to hear it?

For more information on Renate, please visit her website at 

Nikki Viljoen is an Internal Auditor and Business Administration Specialist and she can be contacted on 083 702 8849 or

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