Monday, January 31, 2022

Inspiration - Teachers

 Inspiration -  Teachers

By Nikki Viljoen of N Viljoen Consulting (Pty) Ltd 

The quote today comes from William Arthur Ward who says:  

The mediocre teacher tells. 

The good teacher explains. 

The superior teacher demonstrates. 

The great teacher inspires. 

I know that from a personal perspective, I have always had the most out of someone (teacher or not) who inspires.  People who “tell” me things get my interest, but that is about all and yes it is great when people can explain things to me, especially if I do not understand the concept.  It’s good to explain so that you can get a ‘buy in’ and certainly the teacher, who demonstrates, will also get my attention, but usually just until the demonstration is over.  For me, the bonus is a teacher who can do all of the above – man oh man, that is pure inspiration!

A teacher can tell you about passion, a teacher can explain what passion is all about.  I dare say that, on occasion, a teacher can even demonstrate what passion is, but for me, my mentor, inspires the passion in me.

Some time ago, I wrote about my mentor – she inspires me.  She challenges me to be all that I can be and then some more. 

We are all, in one way or another, ‘teachers’, whether by formal training or not.  We teach our children, our animals, our staff, our friends and acquaintances – most of all we teach ourselves as we learn about life.

So pretty much like I always say “Be the Leader that you want to follow”, I’m also going to say “Be the teacher that you would want to inspire you!”

What kind of impression will be your legacy?  What kind of teacher are you?

Nikki is an Internal Auditor and Business Administration Specialist who can be contacted on 083 702 8849 or or 

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