Thursday, August 26, 2021

Blogging 101 – The Harsh Reality

 Blogging 101 – The Harsh Reality

By Nikki Viljoen – Viljoen Consulting (Pty) Ltd 

I was asked the other day by my Life Coach what it is about blogging that I find so addictive, having penned over 2000 articles.  I must admit I had to stop for a moment and think carefully about my answer and I am so glad that I did.

You see I have been struggling for some time now to get articles written.  It’s not for a lack of material you understand (I probably have enough material to keep me writing an article a day for the rest of my life and beyond).  The problem for me is a lack of time, or rather to be completely honest with myself (as well as you lot) and more to the point, a lack of organizing my time!  There . . . . I’ve said it!

I have on many occasions stated that I often write about what I most need to hear and this is again one of those instances.  I am ashamed to say that I have become a procrastinator of note!  Shocking hey!  To the point that every time I see an article about procrastination, I hastily file it without even opening it – now that’s just me being a huge coward on top of everything!

The really sad thing about all of this is that on some level I have to write every single day (and I am not talking about Policies and Procedures here either) in order for me to be fulfilled – it is my one creative outlet and I know and understand that if I don’t write and express myself and dig down deep into the core that is essentially me – well then I don’t grow and if I don’t grow - well a part of me dies!  That sounded quite melodramatic don’t you think?

So what happened – why is it that I have not been writing every day – the simple answer is . . . life.  I have allowed the everyday clutter and clatter to creep into what is fundamentally time that should be sacred to me.  The “slap upside the head” for me was yesterday when I had a meeting with a client who wants me to mentor him and we were discussing time constraints and how we would fit it into our respective diaries and he said “I know that on a Friday you like to catch up on your admin and that you like to take some time for your “dream time”, so let’s have the meeting on a Friday.”  My “knee jerk” reaction to that was – Noooooooo!  Actually, now that I have really thought about it (in the writing of this article to be exact), the answer is still a resounding “No!”

I have to take back my “me” time!  I have to get back into the habit that was mine for so long, where writing an article, was part of my daily stuff – the daily stuff that matters.  I have to get back to doing what is best for me, in order for me to grow as a human being and an individual.

So if you are going through the same dilemma, understand it is about facing the “time thief”, even if that is you and taking control of your life.

Nikki is an Internal Auditor and Business Administration Specialist who can be contacted on 083 702 8849 or or 

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