Monday, April 19, 2021

Inspiration - Our Own Minds

 Inspiration –  Our Own Minds

By Nikki Viljoen of Viljoen Consulting (Pty) Ltd

Jameson Frank says “Our greatest battles are those that are fought in our own minds.”

Ain’t that the truth and wouldn’t the world be a much better place if that were the only place battles were fought?

I know, that for me on a personal level, the time I took out from my clients between the 15th of December last year and the 12th of January this year, served not only as a rest period but also gave me a chance to finish off some of the battles in my mind that started during the course of last year.

I know that for many (myself included) last year was a challenging year.  I certainly had one from a business point of view and from a personal perspective.  

My business has morphed in so many ways and become so much more than what I first envisioned.  I have started a second business that is so completely different from what I do and have done in the past, I have walked away from some pretty long-term friendships and have grown so much as a person.

Most of these changes meant that great battles had to be fought in my mind.

All of these changes came about as a direct result of battles that had already been fought . . .  and won.

You see for me, although I am not scared of change and once the decision has been made, I usually embrace change – in many of these instances the actual decision to make the change, was extremely difficult and painful, but I knew deep down inside that they had to be made in order for me to move on or move forward.  

I made a choice to move forward in my life and in order for me to do that, changes had to be made – some of those changes cost me dearly, but had I not paid the price – I could have been stuck there for a long time and that price was one that I was not prepared to pay.

So now I am rested and ready and excited and rearing to go, into the new year, where I will reap the benefits of winning those battles and paying those prices!

What about you – how have your battles gone?  Are you ready to make history this year?  I know I am!

Nikki is an Internal Auditor and Business Administration Specialist who can be contacted on 083 702 8849 or or 

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