Thursday, May 14, 2020

Marketing 101 - Making Time To Market – Part 4

Marketing  101 - Making Time To Market – Part 4

By Nikki Viljoen – N Viljoen Consulting (Pty) Ltd

As promised last time, here are the last of the ideas, in this particular series, on ‘making time’ to market yourself and your business.

Social Event

Some of my best and even biggest clients have come out of a chance meeting at a social even or when I least expected them.  Let me explain – some years ago now, I was at a club, spending time with friends, laughing and chatting with not a thought of business in mind.  A young chap, standing at the bar on his own, came over and introduced himself.  Turns out he owns two very successful businesses and he has been both client and friend from that day. Chances are that I would not have met him anywhere else as we mix in totally different circles.

Remember though if it is a social occasion, to keep it light.  No-one wants to talk business all the time.  Exchange contact details, exchange cards and then get back to them the next day or at a later stage.

Relax and make it happen

If you are anything like me, you will understand that it is extremely difficult to relax in the normal sense of the word.  For example it is very difficult for me to even contemplate sitting at the beach for a couple of hours or lying next to the pool, soaking up the sunshine – my mind would completely rebel at such inactivity.

For me this would be the ideal opportunity to update my data base or plan new marketing strategies or to re-evaluate plans or goals or even for me to  write a couple of articles for my blog.  Whilst my body does need to relax, my mind still feels the need to be active and it is something that I cannot just ‘shut down’.

As you can see there are many small, yet effective ways in which to include your marketing requirements in your everyday activities.

The secret is to be innovative, be creative and just do it!

Nikki is an Internal Auditor and Business Administration Specialist who can be contacted on 083 702 8849 or or

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