Monday, March 16, 2020

Inspiration - Give This Day A Purpose

Inspiration -  Give This Day A Purpose

By Nikki Viljoen of N Viljoen Consulting (Pty) Ltd

The quote today comes from Ralph Marston, who says:

“This day will soon end, yet there's a way to always preserve the value that it offers. Give this day a purpose, and make use of this day to fulfil that purpose.
With no purpose, the hours will slip by and the unique abundance of this day will quickly be gone forever. With no purpose, this day is nothing more than a meaningless span of time to be endured.
With a clear and meaningful purpose, however, this day can be transformed into a beautiful and lasting treasure. Instead of a day that will soon be forgotten, you can make it into a day that will always be remembered.
A purpose for this day will give you your very own pathway for accomplishment. A purpose for this day will help you to move past the meaningless distractions and to recover quickly from the painful setbacks.
This day is a unique moment in time. Make the most of it by focusing its special beauty and value in a meaningful and positive direction.
Give this day a purpose, and you give your life a lasting gift. Give this day a purpose, and you can add real value to your world.”

I am all for giving value and purpose to the day or even time per se. To wander around mindlessly just doesn’t make any kind of sense to me at all.  I know and understand that there are days that should be written off due to lack of interest, but those should be far a few between and the exception rather than the rule. 

For me, each day has a goal or at least one thing that needs to be achieved, even if the goal is to be a lounge lizard for the day.

So, plan your day, make short term goals and strive to achieve them, that way you will ensure that your day has a purpose and meaning.

Nikki is an Internal Auditor and Business Administration Specialist who can be contacted on 083 702 8849 or

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