Monday, February 17, 2020

Inspiration - Dreams

Inspiration - Dreams

By Nikki Viljoen of N Viljoen Consulting (Pty) Ltd

The quote today comes from Michael Masterson who says:

“The trouble for most people is they don't decide to get wealthy, they just dream about it.”

So what is it about dreams that make them so important, and once you have done the ‘dreaming’ thing, what needs to be done?

Well for me, the dream is the start.  It’s the first step in this incredible journey that we call life. It’s the seed that is planted, that with love, care, commitment and perseverance, germinates and becomes the tree that grows strong and true.

What we all need to remember though is that the dream is just the beginning.  Dreams without action are just ……. well  dreams.  In order for anything to happen, the dream needs to be acted upon.  Something needs to be done to change the dream into a reality. 

So the next step is to decide to do something about the dream.  This is the first action in a very long line of actions that need to take place.  The decision to do something about the dream, is the second step. This is where the foundation is built.  This is where the nuts and bolts are decided upon and the plan is written down and then for me excitement and anticipation and that delicious feeling, deep down inside comes bubbling up and I can’t wait to get started because, well because something is about to happen!

As I go along, my dream morphs, due to some of the realities of life and the path that I have chosen to walk down has twists and turns and up-hills and down-hills and sometimes I need to pause and take in the scenery.  This means that my plans (or goals) need to change, they need to be flexible enough for me to be able to make changes, without losing sight of the winning flag, the realization of my dream. 

This does not mean that the dream has changed or that the end result is going to be different, it just means that the actions required in order to reach my goal or realize my dream, have changed.  There are always people to have a better way or easier way to do something – so the action must change.

But none of this can happen, not the action, not the execution of the action, not the realization – nothing . . . unless the dream has been dreamed.

Do you have a dream?

Nikki is an Internal Auditor and Business Administration Specialist who can be contacted on 083 702 8849 or

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