Monday, May 20, 2019

Inspiration – Choosing Your Own Path

Inspiration –  Choosing Your Own Path

By Nikki Viljoen of N Viljoen Consulting (Pty) Ltd

Oprah Winfrey says “Understand that the right to choose your own path is a sacred privilege.  Use it.  Dwell in the possibility.”

I have ‘the right to choose’ – what does that mean exactly?  Well, for me it means that if I am accountable and responsible for the consequences of a choice then it is my right to make the choice.

So often lately, I have heard the words ‘but I didn’t have a choice’!  Of course you do!  Many times it is our perception that is flawed – the person who works for a Company, and they are ‘stuck’ in a job that they hate -  well leave the Company, or ask for a transfer to a department where there is a job that you would love to do.  I understand that you need to work, in order to make a living, to put food on the table – but nobody can force you to work where you are not happy – it is your choice to stay, just as it is your choice to leave. Whether you leave to go to another job or where you leave without another job is also your decision and your choice.

Whether you realize your dreams or achieve your goals is entirely dependent upon your actions (or indeed your non-actions) and your actions are dependent upon the choices that you make.

Understand though that without any action on your part, your dreams and aspirations will also not be realized – but again, that would be a choice that you have made.

Clearly, the path that you choose would have to lead to the dream or goal that you have.  If it doesn’t, it would be like taking the wrong fork in the road or even turning in the wrong direction.  As much as people get ‘lost; if they don’t follow directions, you will become ‘lost’ if the path that you choose does not lead to your dream or goal.

Fortunately though, as much as we can look at a map, or get new directions to our destination, so too can we make alternative choices to ensure that we get back on the right path. 

Remember though that there may be a choice that you have previously made that may limit the choices that you can currently make.  For example if you made a choice to steal and you were caught and as a direct consequence of that choice you are currently serving time, one of the choices that are currently open to you won’t be that you can go down the road to the local Wimpey for a coffee – that is why the choice of road that you take is ‘a sacred privilege’. 

Keep your dream and your goal in the forefront of your mind to ensure that the choices that you make will keep you on the right path to achieve your dream or your goal

Guard that right, guard that choice, guard that dream and guard that goal.

Nikki is an Internal Auditor and Business Administration Specialist who can be contacted on 083 702 8849 or or

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