Monday, April 15, 2019

Inspiration – Greatness is Consistence

Inspiration –  Greatness is Consistence

By Nikki Viljoen of N Viljoen Consulting (Pty) Ltd  – June 2011

I recently attended the International Women’s Day Centenary Conference here in Johannesburg.  Wow!  What an intense but motivational experience that was.

We were lucky enough to have some really interesting internationally renowned speakers as well as some really powerful local women.

Our very own Venete Klein, who used to hold one of the top Management positions in ABSA and who has recently left the bank to pursue her own dream of owning a business, was our opening speaker.

Venete, during her speech said that ‘greatness is not brilliance, greatness is consistency!’

How profoundly powerful is that?  Many SME’s who I encounter seem to think that ‘greatness’ is about being powerful or being brilliant, or indeed being rich beyond measure and whilst there are many individuals who could be called great, who have all of these attributes too, the fact of the matter is that their ‘greatness’ is attributable to the fact that they have been consistent in their endeavors.

Consistent in their goals.  Consistent in their focus.  Consistent in the application of their actions to achieve whatever it is that they set out to achieve.

The mental picture that this always produces for me is the one of Nelson Mandela when he was released from prison – can you just imagine how focused he must have been to have endured 27 years of prison – my mind boggles!

By remaining consistent in his beliefs, his goals and his dreams, he achieved what was thought to be impossible. 

So don’t worry about the power and the wealth – that will all come when it does – just be consistent in your actions and your dreams.  Just continue to put one foot in front of the other, you’ll be amazed at what you will be able to achieve.

Nikki is an Internal Auditor and Business Administration Specialist who can be contacted on 083 702 8849 or or

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