Monday, December 01, 2008



By Nikki Viljoen of N Viljoen Consulting CC

It is said that “it is a process, not an event, for one to become the person I want to be.”

How logical is that. It really would be a case of suspending belief, if you thought that one day you would wake up and be a completely different person to the one you were when you went to bed the night before. You don’t just become someone else over night.

Like most things in life, changing who you are into who you want to become, is a process. Like most things in life it is a process that has to be consistently worked on, tweaked, moulded, cried over, laughed about and then at some stage either abandoned as a bad idea or embraced and celebrated as a victory.

Whether you cry in defeat or celebrate in victory is largely dependent on the simplicity and/or complexity of the process and your commitment to the charges that you want to take place.

The level of your commitment to the changes that you would like to make to yourself is dependant on the internal hunger that you have to see yourself in a different light other than who you currently are.

It’s that hunger that drives you to achieve.
It’s that hunger that makes you strive to attain greater heights.
It’s that hunger that keeps you focused with your vision clearly before you and visible to you at all times.

Process for me is one of the most simplistic things on the planet to put into place. Yet I am constantly amazed at some of the processes that some people put into place in order to achieve the most basic of results. Some of them are so complicated that you would probably need a degree of some sort to just be able to read it, let alone understand it on any level.

I think that we, as human beings, on some level seem to think that if things are easy and not complicated that they are not worth anything. We couldn’t be further from the truth if we tried.

Instead of thinking “Well is can’t be that simple, can it?” we should be saying – “It is just that simple!”

So simplify all your processes, get where you want to go and enjoy life the way it was meant to be enjoyed.

Nikki is an Internal Auditor and Business Administration Specialist who can be contacted on 083 702 8849 or

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