Monday, December 17, 2007


Keeping Young

The quote today comes from Henry Ford, who says:

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80.
Anyone who keeps learning stays young.
The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”

One of my greatest challenges, at the moment, is to remember that I have turned 50! When I think of myself it’s not as an “old” person (not that I am saying that 50 is old!), but I can still remember very clearly as a teenager, working out how old I would be at the turn of the century and thinking I would be ancient!

Many of my friends think that is time that I ‘grew up’ and started acting ‘age appropriate’ and my standard response to that one is “what for?”

I am very young at heart, and am proud to say that I can still party and out party many much younger than I am, (I suspect that being an insomniac has something to do with that though). For me, life is for the living and I intend to live it to the full.

Too often, I see people who are bent and buckled by the responsibilities and weight of issues that they carry around with them. They sag under a heavy load of self inflicted issues or even other people’s responsibilities and bemoan their lot at every opportunity and to everybody who will listen. They become ‘old’ before their time and simply exist from day to day as they wait for their time to end. For them, life is about paying their dues. I could no more live like this than I could chew off my own arm!

I’m not saying that life is a joke or one continuous party! What I am saying is that we have all been given an incredible opportunity to live an average of four score and ten years, and once lived we can not go back and change it. So why not make this the greatest opportunity that we will ever have and live life to the fullest? Take up the challenge! Make a difference to the world!

Go on – I dare you!

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