Monday, June 11, 2007


The quote today comes from Dr Renate Volpe of HIRS.

Dr Volpe says "In order to maintain your confidence levels always speak to yourself in a positive respectful and affirming manner."

How many times, when we give ourselves the talk, you know THAT TALK, we beat ourselves up instead of motivating ourselves. I know I do it from time to time! Since reading some of Renate's cards however, this one included, I am reminded of how sensitive our sub-conscious and psyche is - how many times do we affirm what our parents and/or teachers and/or peers have said to us over the years. Things like "don't be an idiot Nikki!" or "oh for goodness sake, do you really think that is the way to go!" etc.
Clearly we need to turn things around. How do we expect others to look up to us or respect us, or even buy into what we are doing, if we ourselves don't?
I heard Jeremy Mansfield on the radio the other day and he was talking about a related subject - the negativity that we have here in South Africa. According to Jeremy, if only we removed the "but" from every sentence, we would be taking a huge amount of negativity out of our lives and in doing so, we would be sending out more of the positives that we all need.
I am one of the first people to say 'look for the opportunity in every problem', yet I still seem to beat myself up! Going forward, I am going to be more aware of what I say to myself, and what I want to be hearing more of is "Come on Nikki, of course you can do it!" or "today's the day that we win the prize!".
So how about it everybody, let's turn the whole thing upside down and inside out and the wrong way around! Let's take the "but" out of every sentence and let's talk to ourselves as if we are giving a motivational and/or affirmation workshop!
Have a great week.

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